The 51⁄4-inch enamel dial signed ‘J Bte Dutertre à Paris’, the bell striking movemen,t with star cut outside count wheel, silk suspension and flat bottomed plates, and the case is surmounted by an eagle and flanked by seated female figures, the front inset with plaques depicting putti engaged in various pursuits, the bow-ended plinth with finely cast and chased foliate and scroll mounts, on knurled feet.

Jean-Baptiste Du Tertre

Jean-Baptiste Du Tertre was born in 1715. He succeeded his father and became a Master Clockmaker in 1735. Du Tertre is particularly known for the quality of the cases he used for his clocks. He died in 1772.


Dimensions CM Inches
Width: 64 25
Depth: 15 6
Height: 53 21